What does FutuRes do? FutuRes is an EU-funded project which connects leading researchers with policy and civil society. We use data modeling and scenario building to find policy pathways for a crisis resilient Europe.Find out how we do it. The age of breakup and divorce – are relationships really less stable than they used to be? Talk and Q+A with FutuRes expert Elena Bastianelli We are witnessing the “democratisation of divorce”. What does this mean for population trends? Which policies will be needed to support parents and children? High level policy experts look into the future of Europe Meeting to connect demography and policy expertiseHow to prepare the care and labour markets for demographic transitions? Our team met with decision-makers from 9 European countries. Policy Insight: FutuRes research shows ways through Europe's skill shortage by Jakub Bijak & Emily BarkerAutomation and migration can help alleviate the skills crisis, but both these trends have shortcomings which cannot be ignored. A better strategy: attract skill in a targeted way, both domestically and abroad. Partners Bocconi University - Dondena Centre Carlo F. Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics and Public Policy (Dondena), Bocconi University AGE Platform Europe AGE Platform Europe, a European network of non-profit organizations of and for people aged 50+ Population Europe Population Europe, the network of Europe's leading Demographic Research Centres. SGH Warsaw School of Economics SGH is the oldest and the most prestigious university of economics in Poland Technische Universität Wien The Vienna University of Technology is Austria's largest research and educational institution in the field of technology and natural sciences Population research Institute - Väestöliitto The Population Research Institute conducts research on families, relationships and Finnish population. VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH is a leading service provider for issues related to innovation and technology University of Southampton The Centre for Population Change (University of Southampton), since its establishment in 2009, has rapidly become the top place for research and study in demography in the UK. prev next Funded by the European UnionGRANT AGREEMENT N. 101094741