News and events
Talk and Q+A: Tuesday, 1 April, 2025
As European labour is automating, which policies will help which countries? Presentation by Dr. Emily Barker, macroeconomist.
Next Policy Lab event: Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Register now for the upcoming online Stakeholder Dialogue. Discuss with our research leaders in one of four thematic deep dives.
Recommendations for regions and municipalities
There is no “preventing” demographic change. Rather, the goal should be to adapt. In this Briefing, high-level policymakers recommend best-practices.
No fewer than 10 of the new EU-Commissioners are tasked with demography. Need an overview? FutuRes and Population Europe have published a Briefing on the population policy of the 2024-2029 EU Commission.
by Jakub Bijak & Emily Barker
Automation and migration can help alleviate the skills crisis, but both these trends have shortcomings which cannot be ignored. A better strategy: attract skill in a targeted way, both domestically and abroad.
Register to be alerted about the next talks
What du population trends mean for Europe's future? Which needs will arise in communities, families, individuals? This one-hour online format starts with a presentation, followed by an open discussion.
FutuRes connects demography with policy expertise
For this, our team met with decision-makers from 9 European countries. How to prepare the care and labour markets for demographic transitions?
Thank you to our great participants from more than 20 European countries!
People over 60 are a growing interest group. Meanwhile it is becoming difficult for many of them to access basic services. These and other policy relevant topics were discussed in a FutuRes workshop
Our FutuRes foresight experts have started the scenario building process
High-level actors from policy and civil society will engage in scenario building workshops. The results will be published later this fall.
by Agnieszka Chłoń-Domińczak & Anna Maliszewska
Fertility trends can be surprisingly crisis-resilient, as shown by research conducted by the FutuRes team at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. In this Policy Insight, they discuss how to support fertility resilience.