Register now: "Ageism and the next EU Agenda" – Citizen Workshop on 26 September 2024

Older people around a table, engaged in discussion
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Citizen Workshop: Ageism and the Next EU Agenda

A new European Parliament has been elected. This is the moment to get our word in! What should age equality in Europe look like? 
This workshop is open to all people who want to fight ageism - especially members of civil society organisations, volunteers, engaged citizens, community organisers, care workers and educators.

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We can't wait to hear your thoughts! 


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(Our promise: your personal data will be kept confidential and will never be shared with third parties)

When? Thursday, 26 September 2024, 10:00-12:30 CEST
Where? Online, via Zoom (we use a GDPR-compliant licence)

Who? All people interested in countering ageism, especially members of civil society organisations, volunteers, engaged citizens, community organisers, care workers, educators, and of course all persons over 60 with their friends and family.

What will we do? We will start the workshop with a welcome by AGE Platform Europe. Then we hear a short presentation by Prof. Arnstein Aassve, Head of the EU-funded FutuRes project. Prof. Aassve will help us understand how policies affect ageism in Europe. Then we open the floor to you, our participants, to give us your thoughts and ideas about an age-friendly future! 

Your ideas will become part of our FutuRes policy advice to European institutions.

Languages: The workshop will be held in English with simultaneous interpretation in French, Italian, German and Spanish.

Your hosts: Ilenia Gheno and Nena Georgantzi, AGE Platform Europe; Prof. Arnstein Aassve, FutuRes Project/Bocconi University

Portraits of Ilenia Gheno, Nena Georgantzi and Arnstein Aassve


Part 1 – Presentations (10.00 – 10.30)
•    Welcome (Ilenia Gheno, Project Manager, AGE Platform Europe)
•    Opening Statement: Ageism in policy – experiences of civil society actors (Nena Georgantzi, Human Rights Manager, AGE Platform Europe)
•    Research contribution: What research shows about ageism and policy in Europe (Prof. Arnstein Aassve, FutuRes Project/Bocconi University)

Part 2: Moderated Discussion (10.30 – 12.00)
Guided discussion with workshop participants about strategies against ageism:

We are living longer and healthier than ever in Europe, yet ageism holds many people back from participating in society. Fortunately, there are ways forward. How do you suggest fighting ageism through… ?
A.    Policies and laws 
B.    Education 
C.    Intergenerational action

Part 3: Next steps (12.00 – 12.30)
•    Follow-up and wrap-up

This workshop is hosted by the EU-funded research project “FutuRes: Towards a resilient Future of Europe” along with AGE Platform Europe and Population Europe. It contributes to the WHO Campaign #World4AllAges. For any questions or further information, please contact ilenia.gheno (at) or dearden (at)