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The Policy Lab

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Welcome to the FutuRes Policy Lab! 

The "FutuRes Policy Lab" connects demographers with experts from research, politics, business and civil society. Our meetings and workshops are designed to develop pathways for policy.

All discussions at Policy Lab events feed back into the FutuRes projects' research. All research findings feed directly into the Policy Lab.

Agnieszka Chłoń-Domińczak presents at webinar about World Population Prospects 2024

Our research leader Agnieszka Chłoń-Domińczak will present at a webinar by about the latest projections of world population development. Her presentation will be on population ageing and demographic prospects of Central and Eastern Europe. Please join using the link below.

FutuRes researchers call for investments in accessible and continuous education

At a conference of leading European policy experts on May 3rd, FutuRes researchers Arnstein Aassve, Agnieszka Chłoń-Domińczak and Jakub Bijak shared their insights on demographic change and expressed their standpoints on policy priorities.

On May 23rd: Arnstein Aassve and Elsa Fornero discuss policy strategies towards healthy ageing

Our Head of Research and advisory board member will speak on a panel on demographic policy at the" State of the Union 2024" conference. The event is hosted by the European University Institute.

Tuesday Dialogue with Agnieszka Chłoń-Domińczak on May 7: Policy Lessons from COVID-19

FutuRes research leader Agnieszka Chłoń-Domińczak will discuss results of recently released survey data which was collected across Europe during the pandemic. The talk is held online and is open to the public.

FutuRes experts and Vice-President Suica discuss visions for demographic futures

Invited by the EU Vice-President for Demography and Democracy, Dubravka Šuica, FutuRes experts met with research colleagues in Brussels. They presented visions for "the Future of the EU through a demographic lens".

Population policymakers meet for dialogue across borders

Policy specialists from several national and regional governments in Europe on invitation by FutuRes on March 19. The FutuRes team got an in-depth insight into what policymakers need from research.

Spring 2024 Bulletin: Outcomes of the first year of FutuRes

We celebrate one year of the FutuRes project! In this year, we have established the "Policy Lab" as a platform for stakeholders to discuss resilient policymaking. Several hundred stakeholders have already attended FutuRes events, including high-level speakers from EU policy.

Video recordings: Science in conversation with policy stakeholders

You can now watch all video recordings of FutuRes researchers at the Berlin Demography Days 2024. Three of our research leaders presented their perspectives in expert panels from 23-25 January. Advisory Board member Pearl Dykstra spoke at the high-level policy panel.

Hybrid mode - Registration needed
Invitation to register: Berlin Demography Days

FutuRes is pleased to be a partner in the next Berlin Demography Days. The theme will be “Overcoming Crises – Shaping Policy for an Uncertain Future”. We invite you to join us for panel discussions with distinguished experts from politics, business, science and civil society

Click for more info.

Online - registration needed
Virtual Press Hour: “Myth Busting for Ageing Societies”

Have you ever caught yourself speaking about “generations” as if they were different species? Labels like “boomers” and “generation X, Y, Z, …” are incredibly popular in public discourse these days. Unfortunately, these labels give us warped ideas about ageing.

To counter these myths, the EU-funded FutuRes research project is launching the series “Myth Busting for Ageing Societies.

Register now for our virtual Press Hour.